Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Say Pardon!

I just heard of Wolf J McFarlane about 20 minutes ago, but I'm already into him in a big way. He's put out an album titled UpsideDownDay Tape Mix for free here.

His shit is catchy, and hell he's from the SCARborough yo, enough reason to get on it. But if you're still skeptical and insist on being a ninny, here's a track of his already FREE album.

Grizzly Bears Panda - Wolf J McFarlane (myspace)

Have a little faith in me, I'm a biologist. & just because, some other things you should get on:

Games you can win - RJD2 (myspace) ft Kenna (myspace)

Cudderisback - Kid Cudi (myspace)


Silk Ties said...

Great! Will give them a listen!

Casual Jacket said...

Thanks for the heads up

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