Monday, August 25, 2008

"this blog is so boring. no one ever posts anymore..." -anonymous

I AGREE! this blog is so boring! no one ever posts anymore!
because we twitter incessantly (Jae, Moi) ... and I'm just boring..

i've decided today will be MSTRKRFT Mix Monday, with a touch of family force 5, just because. So get your dancing trousers on and get listening.

Listen up (MSTRKRFT remix) - The gossip
Dudun dun(MSTRKRFT remix) - Para one
Heartbeat (MSTRKRFT remix) - Annie
Tenderoni (MSTRKRFT remix)- Chromeo

guilty pleasure-> Family Force 5: Mindless repetitive awesomeness, that's what family force is. here's their vid for love addict, quite engrossing, the song that is. The video is just stupid...

El boring,

For some Un-bore-a-fying coolness hit up these links:


jellofer said...

Truthfully I haven't been much for posting in my blog either...The last bits of summer are just too alluring. I for one don't want to be on my computer when it's lovely outside!

Jae: Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats, you've got a great blog here.

I've been looking for an email address of yours on the blog, but couldn't find one. I would have a proposal for you concerning your fashion blog, so if you could send me a short email at contact at I will get back to you and let you know what it is all about.

jae said...

jellofer - summer is way too alluring, & eventful. at least with school, blogging gives you something to procrastinate on (homework)!

laura m. - we emailed the contact at the site you gave us, but it sent to somebody completely different. you can email me at

Anonymous said...

jae, got your email, my partner (Angela - her email is info @, mine is contact @ - I should have posted it that way) forwarded it to me and I'm replying as we speak :)

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