Sunday, June 15, 2008

locked, loaded & ready to go.

pictures, pictures, just as promised! get `em while they`re hot!

first of all, a time-line of my hair.

i had longer-ish hair, before february. i wanted to cut it after exams [in april], but i got impatient, so steph & another friend of ours (kim) cut it for me in february.
before the cut, this was my hair...

(tres long et impossible...i didn`t even show it in it`s impossible glory.)

& after the cut, this was my hair...

(like a day or two after, in all it`s layered, wavy, asymmetrical glory.)

i let it grow a bit more...i wanted to get a new cut soon...but i wanted to wait until AFTER summer; before school, so i could be the cool kid on the block.

(this was my hair, about a week before the new cut. that`s my sister with me, with her hair up. she`s cool.)

unfortunately, the trend with me is that i`m very impatient. which led to me cutting it. which meant that it went from all that, to this.

(me & my short hair.)


so today was my church`s 9th anniversary! it was a pretty big event, a lot of people, a lot of food, a lot of stuff. i`m on the church dance team, so we were busy practicing for weeks & weeks before this event. i only managed a few pictures here & there.

these three are on the dance team, & were in the red group this time. they`re always trying to come up with variations on the same outfit.

i was on the blue team :)

this cutie was holding my cellphone, opening it & closing it & saying, "hello?"

this adorable little girl dragged me to the wall, pressed her back up against it & said, "cheese!"
she was very quick to return to a little frown. she always look so serious, it`s so cute!

the two, sharing a bag of chips. look how far her small arm goes into the bag! it`s so cute!!!

that`s all i could share for today, but what do you think of the hair? i`ve had mixed reviews about it. it`s the shortest it`s ever been since i was a child, & i`m thinking of trimming it a bit shorter...but i don`t know.



Giselle said...

I really love the hair...I think it would look really great if you paired it with nude lips, mascara and a little peachy blush. but all in all, it's very chic...good job :-)

EvaAmarri said...

Oh those kids are so cute!!

Mondo-Fashion said...

i really like the short hair!

Tori said...

I really like the short hair aswell! Everyone i know that's had there hair cut shorter has gotten addicted, going shorter and shorter and shorter...

jellofer said...

Ooooo Jae! Your new hair looks so chic! I LOVE it on you! I admire how brave you are in cutting it so short...I'm such a wuss wuss when it comes to hair cuts. lol

a side order of style said...

giselle - thanks hun :) normally, i wear glasses so eye require eyeliner along with mascara...but i actually had all the rest of what you listed on in this pic! it`s just that lighting was bad.

fashion ivy - aren`t they? they`re darlings!

mondo-fashion - thanks!

pamela - i have to is tres addicting. but i don`t think i`m gonna go any shorter for the time being.

jellofer - thanks! i used to be a wuss when it came to my hair...but it was b/c i listened to what everyone else wanted to see on me. i`s my head, &`ll grow out again anyhow! :)


Jaclyn said...

Your hair looks really good.

a side order of style said...

belle - thanks! it gets hard to manage at times tho.


Annie said...

wow u look so diff! older i think but its cutee.
and those kids are soo adorable.

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