Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Keeping the Consistency

(Figure 1. Mango Mousse cake)

To keep congruous with the previous post, I'm going to keep in spirit of reviewing and give you a review on mango mousse cake (specifically the one displayed in figure 1).

I've never had mango mousse cake before today. My relationship with the fruit and its other flavored subsidiaries have always been a love-love situation, no room in my heart to hate mangoes. This case was no different. Went ape shit over this cake. Freaking worth it. That's that.

note: We partook of this food from the Gods in the theatre-- btw watched Gamer, interesting stuff storyline/concepts, though I would've rather seen the storyline run in its own series for some further expansion. Not to mention Gerrard Butler being the boat of my dreams (see fig 2.), but I digress-- So, it was especially delicious after witnessing the movie attendants thwart others attempts to bring "outside food". We don't settle for this so-called popping corn in theaters.

(fig 2. My husband)
Yeah we enjoy the finer things in life.
Listening to:
(off Gamer Soundtrack)
Sweet Dreams - Marilyn Manson

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