Monday, October 27, 2008

Mix monday: halloween mix

Have you all picked up your joker costumes or are you being all original and going the Palin/Tina Fey route? You just know that everyone is pretty much going to be Joker or Palin this Halloween, out with the eyeliner happy pirate costumes and in with the the lipstick smeared clowns! Personally I'm still undecided on what I'll be but I'm itching to play this one out.

iPod Commercial
Dress completely in black clothing, wear a black wig or hat, and use black make-up to cover your face, hands and any exposed skin. Carry around an iPod and dance wildly.

picked that idea up from costume idea zone, pretty much the only good idea on the site but whatever... If all fails I'll just go for the classic zombie look. [Some tips on making your wounds devilishly real can be found on So you wanna be a zombie? or Zombie pub crawl.]

Virtual Halloween candy on us!

1 comment:

Tori said...

Excellent songs all of them!

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