Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Use your indoor voice!"

Last night I went to the "motion city soundtrack/phantom planet concert you know with other bands in it", thats what I referred to last nights concert rather then telling people I went to the Panic at the disco Honda civic show... Honestly I didn't find it terrible, but it was very field trip-esque with preteens and their parents. We caught a parent chastising their kids for not using their indoor voices during the concert, thats when I realized It sucks for me to be surrounded by all these pre-teens but it defintely sucks for them to be with their rents! And It really reeked for the parents that didn't give two shits about the bands...

Last night Natasha and me played the role of the rents for Nadisha, Natasha's sister seen in the photo above. Their mom defintely wouldn't let nadisha go alone but didn't want to chaparone, so she offered to pay the hefty price of 50 bucks for each ticket, to look after Nadisha. I agreed since it was free and Natasha sworn to kill me if I let her go alone.
Once stepping into the crowd we felt suffocated, and all i could think was how could all these preteens be like 6 feet tall?! So we wished Nadisha luck and watched the concert from the alcohol-less bar. We kinda scouted out for her during breaks with no luck for all 6 hours and there was no reception at all in the mosh pit so we ended up only seeing her at the end of the night with sore feet and the inability to speak or hear. All she could do was gush about how it was the best day of her life, without us having to treat her like a pet on a leash and follow her wherever. So I felt it was worth it to see her so happy, though I've officially sworn off having kids, I really don't have the patience for the kind of shit these demon children were doling out...

So musically my favorite acts of the night were Motion city sound track and Phantom planet, but I say with guilt, I did enjoy Panic at the Disco's old songs. Motion City were the best entertainers (so entertaining I actually bought their shirt) of them all. Phantom planet was a huge surprise, I have always liked them, but they sounded awesome live (or so i feel) and I really enjoyed the songs that I've heard for the first time there. So yeah. that was my night. kinda enjoyed it, at times I didn't, but Nadisha made it all worth it with her reaction. I mean I would have been as crazy excited as her if I got to see brand new live...

some deelish music From Phantom planet: Dropped, Do the Panic, California

One of my faves from Motion City Soundtrack: Feel like rain

From the headliner Panic at the Disco: Time to dance (their demo which I much prefer over the newer versions)

and a snippet of my favorite part of the night...


Paris said...

Thank you! Haha, yes, I know what you mean, i feel all awkward and non lady like when taking my shoes off. I'm really enjoying reading your blog : ) xx

Golden Calf said...

Oh geez, I totally sympathize with you on the whole preteen crowd. Kids at concerts like that basically convinced me to never have children(or at least send them away to a farm when they reach 13).

ps: I love your blog!

jellofer said...

Oh man preteens. It wasn't THAT long ago I was one, now I get annoyed being on the bus with kids in high school. I feel like such a senior citizen, complaining about "the kids these days". LOL.

Jae: ahaha. your comment. That's so freaky and cool at the same time!

Steph and Jae: But the one biggest thing we all have in common is that we obviously all LOVE fashion...And we're all oh-so-stlyish! ;)

Paris said...

omigod, about your fear, did you used to do 'Mary White' in the mirror? Where you say the name over and stare at your face and then it ages (just the reflection)

jennifer said...

I hate tall preteens. Actually, I was a pretty tall preteen so I can't really discriminate. haha

Nadisha's hair is really cute!

a side order of style said...

paris - omg so scary...would never :S

-jae, SOS

Anonymous said...

I like the blog's new look!

Annie said...

lmao. that happens to me at shows guaranteed to have preteens. i always cant see shit cuz theyre so damn tall.
and omg mcs will always have a soft spot in my heart....i use to loveeee them.

Wafa Obaidat said...

hey love your blog, would you like to link swap .. check out my new blog

fashion ambition

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