Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just think about it...

"Men just have the upper hand aesthetics wise, I mean sure, girls look hot WITH MAKEUP. We (men) go all natural, you don't see us running around with huge bags full of make up and whatever. Sure girls are hot, but without make up their guy counterpart probably looks hotter than the girl. Even with make up guys beat girls, I mean have you not seen Jeffree star? " - A former coworker

photo cred by Austin young
leeched off Jeffree star's myspace


Annie said...

i think i may have seen u at eaton centre a couple weeks back.

roxanne said...

hmm.. as a girl who doesn't wear makeup, i find this reasoning a tad flawed.

KimmPossible said...

well the only reason guys look 'better' with or without make-up is because for so long us girls chose to go with make-up -like dude, way back in i dunno the mayan's times. and ever since then, but even more so now than ever, the potential 'beautiful/hot' girl is wearing make-up. if we never started wearing makeup, we'd all be equal.:/ that's my opinion...

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