Tuesday, November 4, 2008


That is all...


muchlove said...

that's so funny!

Jill said...

That is just strange!

fuzkittie said...

Hahahaha!! This is so funny~ I loved that movie when I was little... Your blog is really cool! Thanks for sharing that article with me, I laughed my ass off~

Unknown said...

OUCH!!! My side hurts from luaghing too much. Usher and Xi.....they related!!

I still love the God's must be Crazy.


Anonymous said...

This is a little mean. That movie had a powerful message and the main character, a real life person, was inspirational. To turn it into a pointing finger thing where it seems like you're laughing at him because of how he looks is really harsh. Of course I could be reading all of this wrong which I hope I am. I watched both of the movies. The Gods must be crazy and then the followup one where they went back to the village and visited the main character again.

simplysteph said...

To Farren: I love the movies, I'm laughing at how similar usher looks like the main character, never noticed it till recently. Not sure where you're deriving this in depth vendetta against his looks from...

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